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Long Distance Relationship

It’s the trickiest form of dating. Some people are too scared of it but others are willing to give it a try pegging a very low success rate on it. It could be the strongest relationship or the weakest…it all depends on the partners in the relationship.
It has its merits and its fair share of challenges.


Absence makes the heart grow fonder! The love just keeps growing and it’s like falling in love a fresh each time you meet.
Deep connection. Any chance to talk or meet is highly valued and appreciated. The commitment is serious and more effort is put into it.
Successful. Most end up in marriage. The couple is not distracted by ‘small issues’, they are working towards a common goal and clearly know where the relationship is headed… they do everything possible to make it work.
Trust. The partners trust each other and they are able to hold on to that trust to stay faithful focusing on their goals as a couple. They keep each other strong.
Free. The relationship does not dictate how the partners live, they are able to pursue their own dreams and build themselves. The relationship is not demanding and therefore easy to maintain without much hassle.


Physical contact. The absence of physical contact for long periods can be tough and is the main reason people shy away from it.
Unresolved issues. There are times when an issue doesn’t get addressed as it should be and the partners end up brushing them aside instead of solving them. The issues slowly kill the relationship as the partners try to act as if everything is going great.
Anxiety. The partners are on the edge and an unanswered call or text causes so much anxiety with thoughts of cheating flooding the mind at such times.
Effort. The relationship needs the consistent effort of both partners to work. If they get tired of checking up, reaching out, planning to meet up… the relationship comes to a premature end and can be hard to revive.
Freedom. The partners can be easily tempted to start parallel relationships to satisfy their need for physical contact and validation. They can conveniently choose to ‘forget about’ their partners when they face trying times. 


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