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The First Date Drama

So i heard this discussion on radio today and it reminded me of how much i have always wanted to talk about it. Every little aspect..and there is no better time to do it than now when Valentine's Day is just around the corner and y'all are gonna be going on those blind dates , hookups , setups or it might just be that time when you've met that awesome dude or chic! So on those first dates this is what you need to consider to guarantee you that second date;

  • Dressing


You need to look good of course but be careful not to overdress or underdress. By overdressing i mean; you don't really have to go shopping just for the date unless you totally have nothing to wear which is highly unlikely. You also don't need to don all your jewelry and make-up coz you'll just end up looking like a clown which is totally not the impression you'd be going for. This isn't the time to experiment!! If you've never tried heels before just go for awesome flats. The same goes for makeup. By under-dressing i mean; don't just be a plain t-shirt, jeans and some converse kinda person on this day, try taking it up a notch just a bit; add a statement neck piece, some heels/ flats, a clutch and a blazer which can totally transform this look. Dress for the weather, the last thing you need is shivering or sweating out throughout the date! Lastly, don't dress might be mistaken for a hooker and we all know that never ends well.


Suits are a great option, they make you look serious about the date and also make people take you seriously. Some sort of official clothing would be appropriate. If you are totally not an officials kinda person, you can go for denim or khaki pants (not shorts!) and some sort of casual shirt. If you really have to do a t-shirt, do a chic one or pair something on top (jacket, blazer, coat) that will elevate it. For shoes go for closed shoes. Avoid trendy pieces like chunky neck pieces and rings, hats or sunglasses.

This majorly applies to dates in hotels or restaurants. depending on the kind of date it will be and the location, the dressing will change to suite the activity, location and weather.

  • During the date;


Be as modest as possible when ordering, do not order everything on the menu. In some instances you should also try considering the prices of what you are ordering, you never know what can happen and you might end up paying the bill. Aha! that reminds me, carry enough money with you because you can never be so certain. Don't forget to smile. Ensure you observe table manners highly. Keep on wiping your mouth in between to avoid spills that would otherwise embarrass you. Do not eat too fast. After the  meal, i advice you visit the ladies so you can freshen up...this means removing all those pieces of food that stuck on your teeth, maybe those that spilled on your clothes. Be engaged in the date..avoid distractions like gadgets or other objects in the vicinity.


  You really need to put your best foot forward coz the date mostly depends on you. Make sure you keep on talking so you get to know each other by the end of it all. Pick your conversation topics carefully because this tells a lot about you..your priorities. Avoid topics like HIV status, social status (issues touching on property volumes), and issues that are personal to someone. Treat the lady well, be a gentleman; pull her chair, keep on checking if she is okay, open and close the door for her, if it gets too chilly give her your coat. Make eye contact throughout ; this will make you seem engaged and confident. Make sure you carry out research of the place(s) you intend to go so you know how much money you'll need and how to dress. Make sure you have a plan.

  • After the date;


   Make sure you say how exactly you felt about the date, don't beat around the bush. You can either agree on a way forward or state your position and make it clear.


   You should also say how you felt. If its positive, suggest a second date and exchange contacts. Its surprising how some people have really great dates but they forget to exchange contacts.

If the date was negative in that you are totally not pleased with each other, i suggest that you all just go your way without trying to make any ties.
If it was negative in that you like each other but can't see each other as anything more, like say a couple, you could agree to just be friends. 

So that's it! That's all you need to know and do if you want to secure that second date!!    

Nail it!๐Ÿ˜‰


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