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Rekindle The Fire!

At least each couple goes through that phase in their relationships. You feel like there is so much 'distance' between you and your partner yet they are right beside you. It is completely normal, don't freak out, something can be done about it.

So what can you do..


Plan one just for the two of you or even with your family if you have one. A vacation takes your mind off the pressures of everyday life like work. You are able to focus completely on yourselves due to the absence of distractions. Make it a habit so you are able to always get time for yourselves and really connect with each other once in awhile.


You need to take time to take each other out just the two of you. It doesn't have to always be the man taking the lady out, the lady could also do it once in would actually be a sweet surprise for him. Going on dates enables you to appreciate each other. You are able to take time to look good for your partner and they appreciate you for that. Take each date as a unique one in itself and give it just as much attention as the first one you ever went on. I mean.. people always get excited when they get asked on dates..


These might appear really minute and insignificant but there is so much  power in complements. Everyone gets happy when they get compliments so imagine what it does to your partner when you give them one! Give your partner compliments when they have made that extra effort. Could be they look really smart, they accomplished something....they get the feeling you are paying attention to them


Kisses are a way of showing affection. Someone once told me love is all about kisses and i tend to agree with this statement. Kiss your partner more often. This is like constantly reminding them that you love and appreciate them.


Remember when you just started dating, the gifts were endless and you always felt special when your partner gave you one. Gifting your partner gives them something to always remember and keeps you in their thoughts. Your partner gets the idea that you are always thinking about them.

Do things together 

Distance comes about because you; see each other less, talk less and are less involved in each other's lives. Find simple ways of spending more time with each other. You could; commute in the same car, have meals together. Just anything you could do to be together more would make a huge difference in your relationship.

Hold each other

Holding your partner is a way of recognizing your partner's presence. Hold hands when you walk together, sleep cuddled up together. This tends to bring you closer to each other. 

keep that fire burning😘


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