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Men Are Loyal, Not Faithful

Men have so many times been likened to dogs๐Ÿถ and thinking of kinda is accurate. See dogs are loyal and always come back to their masters/owners at the end of the day. They however have multiple partners; basically any female counterpart.

It’s something that’s just in them. Men are naturally visual creatures ๐Ÿ˜ต and they love challenges. A man will go for a lady just because they like what they see and they thrill from the challenge of pursuing the lady. This is not because they aren’t satisfied in their relationship or don’t love anymore. It’s just the thrill of it…they mostly can’t help themselves…something to do with masculinity.
Most chics like to think and believe that their guy is faithful to them as they haven’t caught them yet or they just can’t imagine it.  This just means that they are very careful or respect the chic so much as not to do it in their face. Of course a guy will take the necessary measures to cover up, giving you enough attention, clearing calls, chats, taking care of evidence so that you feel like you’re the only one in their life.

Guys however in being careful and striving to keep their lady goes to show that they are loyal. A guy will always keep coming back to the main chic, treat her right. The main chic is the number one, gets all the gifts, recognition, dates on valentines ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’…all the big plans. The guy is always trying to tie the main chic to them so no other guy out there gets to have them the same way they also have other chics. When a guy is caught cheating, they will try as hard as they can to fix things with the main chic, make promises, tell them what they want to hear just to make things right. But this doesn’t stop them from doing it again.

Being the main chic ๐Ÿ’‘ can be hard at times because you are really faithful to your guy but have to deal with all his side chics and sometimes even be friends with them knowingly or unknowingly. Sometimes it gets to physically or verbally fighting them off as the guy convinces you that they were seduced. And sometimes the main chic just has to accept the situation and accommodate the other lady as part of the relationship..that's why we hear of 2nd , 3rd wives or a man marrying them all at the same time.

I guess what I’m tryna say here is every lady in a relationship should keep this in mind just so as to avoid any misunderstandings and heartbreaks;

  • Men aren’t faithful but they are loyal

  • Men have multiple partners but the main chic is the one that matters

# Loyalty

Still on Faithfulness... Are they really serious about you..


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