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When To Commit πŸ‘«πŸ’‘πŸ’

When it comes to relationships, there are three significant levels of commitment that come into play and need serious consideration.


When dating someone, you are committing your time, emotions, finances, energy, trust, loyalty  to them. It is therefore important for both partners to be mature enough before engaging in such a commitment. Mental maturity is key as the partners should have the mental capacity to handle all the emotions that come about in the course of dating.  The partners should also have the time, energy to engage in such a commitment.
Get into this commitment when you are fully aware of what it entails and are mentally mature to handle it.

Making love

This is a huge commitment in itself but it's significance tends be overlooked. Here one is trusting their partner with their body and emotions and submitting to them. This signifies a much deeper emotional connection and seeks to create a physical bond between the partners.
This commitment should be engaged in when the partners are completely sure of what they feel for each other and the feeling is mutual, both partners should have no doubts and should've built a deep emotional connection.
I believe the best time is in marriage since it is rigid and the partners are completely sure about each other, an eternal emotional connection has already been built.


This is literally committing your life to someone. Your life becomes your partner's and their life becomes yours. You are committing everything. You become intertwined. This is therefore the greatest commitment in a relationship, it's forever!
The partners should have complete trust and knowledge of each other. They should have built a deep emotional connection where they are really sure of what they feel for each other. They should be mature and stable enough to handle the responsibilities that a marriage brings about.

It's all in the timingπŸ˜‰


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