Y'all dudes be like, 'how i treat her isn't really an issue, what matters the most is how i feel about her'. C'mon!.. who are you kidding...If you treat her the same way you treat everyone else, how does she know she is special to you? Actions speak louder remember.. So now that we've established that she needs to be treated special, let's find out exactly how to do that. Call MORE! Calling comes out as more romantic than texting. When you call her, it shows that you are thinking about her a lot, you love talking to her and that you also really care about her. Call her in the morning when she's just waking up; this will totally give her an awesome start to her day. Throughout the day you should also call like twice to check on her or just to remind her how much she means to you. Then call her just before she goes to bed and make her night. All this could be accompanied by in between texting which will obviously make her smile each tim...
The ultimate relationships manual